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Why Do Cats Eat Grass?

If your kitty is snacking on grass, she could be suffering from tummy troubles, but can cats eat grass when they're feeling just fine? And why do cats eat grass in the first place? Why Do Cats Eat Grass? Cats are "obligate carnivores," meaning they require a steady diet of meat to thrive. They don't need a salad with their chicken dinner, and their bodies just don't have the proper enzymes necessary for properly processing vegetation. But, can cats eat grass? The short answer is "yes." Your furry friend might enjoy crunching on some safe greens (more on that later), but choosing the right cat food that provides necessary nutrients is more important than serving up a plate of freshly-cut grass. As it turns out, cats may munch on grass for some of the same reasons that people incorporate greens into their own diets. Some, like Animal Planet, theorize that cats eat the green stuff because it aids in the removal of non-digestible

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